I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This


“Success is most often the result of doing the bold extra something that no one else has thought of or dared to try.”


I Shouldn't Be Telling You This by Kate White

Kate White is a sensation, and she delivered.  This book is jam-packed with tips, tricks, advice, how to’s, and general wisdom geared towards determined women. White was the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine for fourteen years, and she shares all her gutsy career secrets in this book. This text takes a blunt 360-degree approach to success.

With three parts–Success: How to Get It, How to Go Big With It, and How to Savor It–the book is helpful for women at any stage of their career. White shares her wisdom in a bold, fun, and witty manner. In a chapter titled “Ballsy Strategies for Finding a Job”, she gives helpful tips regarding the job search, the resume, and the cover letter.

It’s a cover letter or email, far more than a resume, that makes me decide if I want to meet a job candidate.

Throughout the book, White acts as a wise mother who will give it to you like it is.

Warning: when you go big, whether it’s early in your career or later, there will be people wishing you had gone home instead…So go big, love the thrill of it and the prizes it brings, but know that when you make a big move, it creates a breeze, and that can sometimes ruffle feathers.

Even if you may not want to hear it.

…when you start a new job, they may not even show you the way to the loo, let alone how to master your assignments or deal with the psycho chick who works in the cube at the end of the hall. You have to figure out all sorts of details like that on your own.

While the book can be helpful to all women, I find it is an absolute must-read for women looking into a communications career.